

Here are some frequently asked questions

Where can I use my gift cards?
All our member shops accept our gift cards. Go to Search Florist in the menu to the left, and fill in the city name where you wish to use your gift cards. Click on the Search button, and a list of available shops will appear. If you click on Show more information, you can see the address and opening hours for a specific shop as well.

Can I use my gift cards abroad?
Our gift cards are accepted in our member shops in Norway and Denmark as well. A gift card worth 100 Swedish crowns, is worth 100 Danish crowns and 100 Norwegian crowns. We also have gift cards in the rest of the EuroFlorist countries and those are in the currency Euro. They can be used in Germany, Austria, France, Belgium and Holland. Contact Customer service if you are interested in buying Euro gift cards.

What are the differences between the bouquet sizes and price groups?There are 3 different price categories for our bouquets; mini, medium and max. Size vary with price, and includes more or less flowers. The picture represents medium. Size mini can be expected to be somewhat smaller in terms of amount of flowers, and max include more flowers. Exact number of flowers can vary, depending on season and daily changes on flower pårices, but we can guarantee that colour, shape and value is always our priority.

Can you delivery flowers on Sundays and holidays?
We cannot guarantee delivery on Sundays and holidays. In some larger cities we have a few shops that are open for delivery on Sundays, and for specific celebrations like Mother’s Day, most shops keep open for delivery. To make sure your flowers can be delivered on a specific Sunday or holiday, please contact Customer service and ask if delivery is possible.

What is appropriate to write in a card message?
We help you with suitable messages for any occasion. You find our suggestions under Flower Advice in the menu to the left.

I cannot login to my personal account.
Check that you filled in the right information. Username is your e-mail address, and the password is your personal. If you are using an old email address that is no longer in use, please contact Customer service to have your username changed for you.